Pemetaan, Kajian, & Prosiding
Vanish in the Silence: Victims of Femicide and Their Families Have the Right to Justice

National Commission on Violence against Women (hereinafter referred to as Komnas Perempuan) is a national mechanism for the fulfillment and enforcement of women's human rights which was established under Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 181 of 1998 and updated by Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 65 of 2005. According to Presidential Decree Number 65 of 2005, one of the mandates of Komnas Perempuan is to provide advice and considerations to the government, legislative and judicial institutions and community organizations to promote the formulation and ratification of legal and policy frameworks that support efforts to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women in Indonesia as well as to protect, enforce and promote women's human rights.

Femicide is the most extreme form of gender-based violence against women, containing sadism and generally perpetrated along with multiple layers of violence. Femicide in Indonesia has been a silent phenomenon as this sadistic violence is still treated as a general crime, which can be seen by how the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) collects data on murders without disaggregating them according to sex or gender. Komnas Perempuan's Annual Records (CATAHU) recorded cases of femicide since 2017 based on the results of monitoring online media coverage. Complaints of femicide to Komnas Perempuan and service providers are almost non-existent as disaggregated data from Bareskrim is not available.


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